
Cute questionnaire...

This has been going around the blog world and I thought it was pretty cute. I know it's long, but don't worry I've posted some pictures throughout to keep you entertained. :) 

What are your middle names? Michael Kent and Kasey Renee

How long have you been together?  Our first date was on Valentine’s Day 2006. 

How long did you know each other before you started dating? It’s hard to say. We went to the same elementary and high school but didn’t become good friends until Mike graduated from high school.

Who asked who out? We don’t really remember…

How old were each of you when you met? I don’t really know for sure, sometime in high school.

How old are each of you now? I’ll be 23 tomorrow and Mike is 25 (but will be 26 in March!)

How tall are each of you? I am 5'2" and Mike is 5'8".

Whose siblings do you see the most? For sure Mike’s.

Do you have any children together? Nope

What about pets? We have a sweet little dog named Tucker. (Read more about him here.)

Did you go to the same school? We went to high school together. Mike went to NOC Tonkawa and then OSU and I went to UCO.

Are you from the same hometown? Yes.

Who is the smartest? For sure Mike. J

Who is the most sensitive? I would have to say me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Nowhere in particular, but we do have some favorites.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Montana to get married!

Who does the cooking? Me.

Who is more social? It’s a toss up.

Who is the neat-freak? That would be me.

Who hogs the bed? Me again.

Who wakes up earlier? Mike does, but only because he has to go to work.

Who has the bigger family? Mike

How do you spend the holidays? We split time between each of our families.

Who is more jealous? Probably me.

Do you have little pet names for each other? Mike AKA Muffin, Kasey AKA Sunshine J

How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all, our first date was in February and we were discussing wedding plans and looking at rings by that summer.

Who eats more? Mike

Who sings better? Definitely Mike

Who’s older? Mike by about 3 years.

Who does the dishes? Mike rinses them after dinner and I load and unload the dishwasher.

Who snores? That would be Tucker.

Who’s better with the computer? Mike is way smart at the computer.

Who drives when you are together? 99% of the time it’s Mike.

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Mike.

Who kissed who first? I’m going to say Mike. :)

Who eats more sweets? I love candy and ice cream and Mike can’t get enough cookies.