

I think it is time to introduce the world to our dog Tucker. He is a 2 year old cocker spaniel. He has crazy hair that we absolutely love. He knows lots of tricks. He can sit, stay, shake, lay, play dead, roll over, and balance a treat on his nose. Tucker has quite the personality. He loves being around people and is usually the center of attention. He has recently learned that he can sit on the back of the couch and chair, and he does so often. Tucker has an under-bite and it makes for some comical pictures. He has an orange ball that he loves, loves, loves. He likes to go everywhere with us and hates being alone. He really likes to hang his head out the window when we drive around town. He likes to hunt flies in the house. That is a funny thing to watch. Tucker hates (and I mean hates) the water hose. Tucker is a great dog and is very well-mannered. We are so glad we got Tucker and can’t imagine our life without him.