
Happy Day!!!

We got a letter from Clara today!!! Clara is a sweet little girl in Indonesia that we sponsor through Compassion. She wrote it all by herself! This is what she had to say:

"Dearest Papa Mike Bolz,
Greetings! Papa and Mama Bolz, how are you there? Are you fine there? My family and I are fine here, always. The weather is not very nice here. I got fever. That's why I did not go anywhere in this vacation. But I am promoted to the next grade. I am so happy cause I am promoted to grade 1. I hope I can get good marks. From here, I always pray for Papa and Mama Bolz. I hope your family is blessed and has the peace and joy from Lord Jesus. What can I pray for Papa and Mama Bolz? Please pray so I can study well at school. That's all the letter from me for now. God bless."

Isn't she sweet? Go to Compassion and learn how you can sponsor a sweetie like Clara!


Operation Christmas Child

Please watch!!!
For more info:


Hello Fall, Goodbye Summer...

I'm so excited about this time of year. Its time to start buying Christmas presents and putting together lists. Its time to put out the cider scented candles and put up the decorations. I love it!
I'll leave you with some pics from this summer.

Outside of our hotel in London.

Waiting in the Barcelona airport.

The hotel we stayed in.

The Mediterranean Sea.

This was the subway map, all in Spanish. A tad confusing...

Mike in front of Casa Mia.

On the day full of walking.

On the subway after the U2 concert.

We took a trip to Branson, Missouri over Labor Day weekend with Mike's family.
With the sisters-in-law in a cave at Silver Dollar City. We climbed down about 50 stories of stairs thinking we would get on a train and ride back up. Since there was a storm we didn't get to ride the train. The walk up wasn't as fun as the walk down...

Us girls at SDC.

My nephews came for a visit.
My brother with the boys.

A few pics from the fence building project.
Mike's mom and grandma and I cooking dinner.

Some of the boys working on the fence.

Thanks for stopping by!!!


Little update...

As I sit here having my breakfast of plain yogurt with frozen raspberries and a granola bar (trying to be healthy these days and lose some of the weight marriage has put on me), I am going to try and tell you about our last month and a half before work.

Let's start at the beginning of June... Mike was in the pandhandle (4 hours away) for 2 straight weeks working. He then came home for our anniversary weekend. Then we both parted ways, him back to the panhandle and I to lake Tenkiller for a mission trip with the church. When we returned I started a new job at an abstract company here in Enid. We worked 2 days then made our way to Barcelona, Spain. We had a lot of fun and a lot of new experiences. It was a challenging vacation and I think our next one will be a bit more relaxing. While we were there we saw U2. Great concert! Sooo Sooo Sooo many people. Maybe one of these days I can get some pics on here to show you all.

We came home and worked for a week, tried to play catch up on all the things that got behind. We went to Dallas this past weekend in pursuit of a specific car. I fell in love, it was super nice. Great price, great mileage, great features. Turns out that it had been wrecked 2 different times, and the salesman didn't mention that (found it on the carfax). The report wasn't very specific so we decided to wait on the next great one.

That brings us to this week. Mike is a sponsor at Falls Creek (youth church camp), so he will be gone all week.

To say the least we have had a very busy summer and it doesn't look like it is slowing down yet. We have a family reunion at the end of July. Mike's little sister is also supposed to move in around the end of July. We are still trying to get Tucker healthy, he has a staff infection on his skin and the vet told us its hard to get rid of. We have all the supplies to build a privacy fence, just no time to build it.

Hope everyone else is having a great summer!!


soon and very soon...

I know, I know, I know...
We are horrible bloggers.
A new post is coming very soon. And it will be jam-packed with lots of goodies. Details on my new job, pics and stories from Barcelona, house update, info on our busy summer so far.
Stay tuned!


New Design!!!

We have a new design!
Comment if you like it. :)
If there are no comments we will know that A) it is ugly or B) we have no readers.
Neither are good. So comment!


Lots to tell...

Things around this Bolz house have been a little hectic the past few weeks. The biggest thing being we closed on the house. It is officially ours! We have already begun working on it. We took down the wallpaper in the kitchen to reveal the guacamole colored walls underneath. Not to mention all of the small nail holes. So we have patched the holes and painted it. I have a few touch ups to do, but the kitchen should be finished this week. 

When we were looking at the house we were under the impression that the refrigerator was included. We were under that impression because we asked the realtor if it was included and she said yes. Come to find out, it didn't make it into the contract in the counter-offer. So, we bought a fridge this past weekend. Best Buy was having a sale on the kind I wanted (freezer on bottom). So I called to get some info about it before we took a trip down there. It was going to be back orderd so we decided to head over to Lowe's to check out what they had going on. The had the same one that was on sale in OKC but not in stock, they were going to have to back order it also and it was more expensive. I asked if they could do a price match, and they did! So same fridge, same price, bought locally, and free delivery. I checked today to see how much it was now and would you believe me if I told you Best Buy dropped the sale and it was about $15o more now? And Lowe's still had the same price of about $200 more than we paid. Gotta love a bargain!
Priced here at GE's website for $999, way more than we paid! :)

Another new thing going on around here - I have a new job. Sort of. I am watching my cousins new baby a few days a week. He is absolutely precious. 

I also had a job offer about a week ago. I didn't even apply. I used to work at a bank about five years ago and they have an open position. They offered it to me before they started accepting applications. I appreciate them thinking of me but I'm not sure it's what I want to be doing.

I got first place in a triathlon about a week ago. Ok so there were 3 of us on the team, Jenny swam, I biked, and Kim ran. We got first place out of our category. (There were only 2 teams in our category, and we were one of them.) The details aren't that important.   :)

And now for the biggest announcement.... 

We are going to Barcelona!! We booked the trip last night. Mike and I have been thinking about what we wanted to do for our first anniversary. We decided we wanted to fly to a "cool" city and go to a concert of one of our favorite bands. Mike started looking up Snow Patrol's tour schedule and found they would be playing with U2 in Europe. So he found a tour date close to our anniversary and Barcelona it is. I'd say that's a pretty cool city. 


Miss USA...

Watch this video, if you haven't seen it already.

This is going around the internet right now. Everyone is talking about how she blew her chances of winning and that she got booed. I watched it a few times and I never heard any booing. I heard clapping and whistling. What did you hear?

I know this is a lot more controversial than we usually get on this blog, but I need to vent. I'm so tired of this non-sense about being so politically correct that you can't speak your mind when asked to. Who wants a pageant winner that can't even stand up for what she believes in?

What I'm really tired of is the "silent" majority sitting back while the comparatively "loud" minority takes over as if they are the majority. I can't complain too much because I am definitely a silent part of the majority. What I really want is for the minority to realize that there is a reason that when the public votes they choose to keep marriage between a man and a woman. And as far as I'm aware, the only time same-sex marriage is legalized is when a judge or committee of some sort enacts it. Most people do not want this, welcome to democracy! Majority Rules (or, at least, it's supposed to)...

Hope this makes sense, it was just a rant. I'm done.


Another Update...

Another update, because we don't post very often anymore. 

Kasey and I are getting over being sick. We feel mostly "normal" now, but we were feeling pretty puny there for a while. Kasey was sick for about a week and a half, and I managed to resist until she was getting better. Luckily, I was only sick for a few days.

We got a message from our realtor the other day, we are scheduled to close on Thursday morning. We're really excited about finally getting to start moving and painting and all. Kasey is very excited about decorating.

Well, that's a fairly good little update. Check in with you later!


House update...

Inspections are finished, along with the appraisal. We are now waiting on the seller to put on a new roof and make a few small repairs the inspector found. He has plenty of time since we are not set to close until the end of April...but I was kind of hoping it would be sooner. :)

I am now spending my time trying to come up with really cute decorating ideas. It's harder than I thought it would be! 


We are buying a house!!!

We are in the process of buying a house! :) We made an offer on a cute little 3 bed/ 1.5 bath house in Valley View (here in Enid). The seller counter-offered and we accepted! (the deal included a new roof!) So here we are filling out and sending off paperwork, scheduling inspections and waiting on an appraisal. If everything goes according to plan we should close at the end of April. We plan on moving throughout the month of May and be totally moved in and settled by June. Just in time for our one year anniversary!! 


Happy Birthday Hubby!!!

Just a short little post to wish my wonderful husband a very happy 26th birthday! You are a great husband and I am so happy that I get to grow old with you. :) 


To buy or not to buy...

We're considering buying a house. Well, that may not be entirely accurate. We've been considering it for quite some time. Now we're ready. I think...

I never have gotten very excited over the idea of home ownership. I suppose I focus a little too much on the negatives. I really don't want to be the one responsible for the upkeep on a house. I don't want to be the one that has to deal with the little catastrophes that can happen around the house. It really wasn't until recently that I finally embraced some of the positive aspects of owning a house. I can see that it really is a better use of money than renting is, but it takes a whole lot of money to buy a house!

Anyway, there's not really a point to this post, other than to let people know what we're up to. So, if you happen to think about it, pray for us, that we'll be able to keep our senses about us and make good choices when it comes to buying a house.

And we're always open to advice!


Is this a joke???

I am kind of freaking out. It is 6am. Mike and Tucker are still in bed.
My left eye is swollen.  I have a very important interview today.
I am kind of freaking out.
Those are my thoughts…

Last night my eye felt funny. I went and checked things out and this is what I saw:

I have been having some problems with my eyes/contacts lately. I ordered a new kind of contacts to see if it would help but it surely did not. I called my friend that has had an eye infection before to see if this was part of the process. Nope. This never happened to him. So he put his wife on the phone. My very good friend is in nursing school and she didn’t really know what was going on either. We agreed that it would probably go away by the morning. Mike insisted on me taking some antibiotics before bed just to help it along.

This is what I found this morning:

It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t itch. It isn’t really red. It isn’t tearing up. There is no mucus.

So should I call the doc? Should I go to the interview looking like a drunk (professional appearance is required)? Should I reschedule the interview? Should I take more antibiotics? I am kind of freaking out.

On another note here are some pics I took of Tucker last night while I was taking all the pics of my eye.


Cute questionnaire...

This has been going around the blog world and I thought it was pretty cute. I know it's long, but don't worry I've posted some pictures throughout to keep you entertained. :) 

What are your middle names? Michael Kent and Kasey Renee

How long have you been together?  Our first date was on Valentine’s Day 2006. 

How long did you know each other before you started dating? It’s hard to say. We went to the same elementary and high school but didn’t become good friends until Mike graduated from high school.

Who asked who out? We don’t really remember…

How old were each of you when you met? I don’t really know for sure, sometime in high school.

How old are each of you now? I’ll be 23 tomorrow and Mike is 25 (but will be 26 in March!)

How tall are each of you? I am 5'2" and Mike is 5'8".

Whose siblings do you see the most? For sure Mike’s.

Do you have any children together? Nope

What about pets? We have a sweet little dog named Tucker. (Read more about him here.)

Did you go to the same school? We went to high school together. Mike went to NOC Tonkawa and then OSU and I went to UCO.

Are you from the same hometown? Yes.

Who is the smartest? For sure Mike. J

Who is the most sensitive? I would have to say me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Nowhere in particular, but we do have some favorites.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Montana to get married!

Who does the cooking? Me.

Who is more social? It’s a toss up.

Who is the neat-freak? That would be me.

Who hogs the bed? Me again.

Who wakes up earlier? Mike does, but only because he has to go to work.

Who has the bigger family? Mike

How do you spend the holidays? We split time between each of our families.

Who is more jealous? Probably me.

Do you have little pet names for each other? Mike AKA Muffin, Kasey AKA Sunshine J

How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all, our first date was in February and we were discussing wedding plans and looking at rings by that summer.

Who eats more? Mike

Who sings better? Definitely Mike

Who’s older? Mike by about 3 years.

Who does the dishes? Mike rinses them after dinner and I load and unload the dishwasher.

Who snores? That would be Tucker.

Who’s better with the computer? Mike is way smart at the computer.

Who drives when you are together? 99% of the time it’s Mike.

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Mike.

Who kissed who first? I’m going to say Mike. :)

Who eats more sweets? I love candy and ice cream and Mike can’t get enough cookies.


Dreamy Discussion...

Sometime in the middle of the night last night, I was tossing and turning and Kasey said, "Just go to sleep". Because she's not too patient when it comes to things interrupting her sleep. Anyway, here's the rest of the dialog:

Me: I can't.
Kasey: Stop thinking so much.
Me: I can't, my mind is racing.
Kasey: Stop thinking about work.
Me: I'm not even thinking about that, I'm thinking about houses
Kasey: Me too!

Keep in mind we were half asleep (I think that makes it funnier :) ). This would qualify as another one of those little things that make marraige amusing.


25 things about kasey bolz...

i was tagged to do this on facebook. i thought it might be a good post too!

1. i want to travel ALL over the world.
2. i am a dreamer.
3. i have really small toes.
4. i lived next door to two of my closest friends and it was one of my favorite times of my life.
5. i used to have my belly button peirced.
6. we got married in montana and it was as perfect as perfect could be. seriously.
7. i wanted to date mike more than he wanted to date me, but once we did he fell in love first. :)
8. i can still do the splits.
9. i have never broken a bone or have had any serious type of illness. ever.
10. i love fast food. i lived off of it for a year or two in college.
11. one of my absolute favorite places to be is at the dinner table at my parents house.
12. i want to open a coffee shop.
13. i dont like coffee.
14. our dog tucker sheds more than any other animal on earth but i still love him.
15. i have a friend that actually gave me the shirt off of his back one time when i was in need.
16. i love running.
17. my skin does not tan.
18. i dont really like mainstream music. most of the time i would rather listen to npr.
19. i still dont know if i want kids.
20. i would love to go sky diving someday.
21. i would rather eat "healthy" cereals over "sugar" cereals, excluding captain crunch berries.
22. my birthday is on valentines day.
23. i really like saving money.
24. one of my very best friends and i started kindergarden together and graduated from college together with the same degree.
25. i wish i still had my 1993 mitsubishi eclipse.


What's new???

There hasn’t been a lot going on in the Bolz house lately. I’ve been to a couple of baby showers in the past few weeks. One of them had a couple of cute kids there. Since I know we all like to look at pictures more than read, I’ve posted some of the cuteness. :)

It’s been pretty icy here, and because of that my workout buddy has not been around and I’ve been quite the slacker. The ice is melting away as I’m writing this so hopefully we will get back to our regular schedule. (But can we please skip Thursday spin class??) 

Upcoming events: 
Mike is going to be helping with a project our church is involved with this Saturday. They will be working on a house for a missionary couple. Mike will be filming the event with our new camera. I knew that thing would be put to good use! 
My birthday is coming up soon! It's on Valentine's Day so we are in the works of coming up with something fun and unique to do.
My old roommate is getting married soon and her personal shower is the weekend after my birthday. I can't wait to shop for a new outfit!!
Oh and here are some pics from when my nephew Dylan was here. Enjoy!!



The blog has been the same for too long. I HAVE to have change! There is now music, you can browse the songs at the bottom of the page. Let me know if you have any requests. :) Hope you enjoy!


Christmas Present...

We decided this Christmas that we would not buy each other any big gifts. Instead, we decided to fill each other's stockings with some small things and get then get a really big gift for both of us. After looking around the internet and taking an assessment of what we thought we might want, we came up with 3 choices. All of them were electronics (maybe I had a little too much of a say in what we got). We finally decided to get a new camcorder. To aid in the process we asked for Best Buy gift cards to cut down on how much we would have to pay in the end. 

After a big ordeal trying to get the camera we wanted from the Best Buy in Oklahoma City, we finally ended up with a JVC GZ-HD10U. It records in High Definition and should be all the camcorder we should ever need. I've done a little bit of work on some of the videos that we've taken, but unfortunately my computer is not nearly powerful enough to do very much. Anyway, I've posted a video I put together of some clips we took of Kasey's nephew Dylan. Turn the music off at the bottom of the page! :)



2009 is here!!! This year we celebrated the new year by going to a friends house. We played some catch phrase and also some rockband. Here are some pictures from the night!!

New Year Kiss :)

Mike and I with our party gear...

Jenny and Me

Me and Kari

Me and Ali

Thats me rocking out on guitar :)