
Dreamy Discussion...

Sometime in the middle of the night last night, I was tossing and turning and Kasey said, "Just go to sleep". Because she's not too patient when it comes to things interrupting her sleep. Anyway, here's the rest of the dialog:

Me: I can't.
Kasey: Stop thinking so much.
Me: I can't, my mind is racing.
Kasey: Stop thinking about work.
Me: I'm not even thinking about that, I'm thinking about houses
Kasey: Me too!

Keep in mind we were half asleep (I think that makes it funnier :) ). This would qualify as another one of those little things that make marraige amusing.


25 things about kasey bolz...

i was tagged to do this on facebook. i thought it might be a good post too!

1. i want to travel ALL over the world.
2. i am a dreamer.
3. i have really small toes.
4. i lived next door to two of my closest friends and it was one of my favorite times of my life.
5. i used to have my belly button peirced.
6. we got married in montana and it was as perfect as perfect could be. seriously.
7. i wanted to date mike more than he wanted to date me, but once we did he fell in love first. :)
8. i can still do the splits.
9. i have never broken a bone or have had any serious type of illness. ever.
10. i love fast food. i lived off of it for a year or two in college.
11. one of my absolute favorite places to be is at the dinner table at my parents house.
12. i want to open a coffee shop.
13. i dont like coffee.
14. our dog tucker sheds more than any other animal on earth but i still love him.
15. i have a friend that actually gave me the shirt off of his back one time when i was in need.
16. i love running.
17. my skin does not tan.
18. i dont really like mainstream music. most of the time i would rather listen to npr.
19. i still dont know if i want kids.
20. i would love to go sky diving someday.
21. i would rather eat "healthy" cereals over "sugar" cereals, excluding captain crunch berries.
22. my birthday is on valentines day.
23. i really like saving money.
24. one of my very best friends and i started kindergarden together and graduated from college together with the same degree.
25. i wish i still had my 1993 mitsubishi eclipse.