
Count your blessings...

I was thinking the other day about how incredibly blessed I am. I know it’s not Thanksgiving yet, but I don’t think it has to be a holiday in order to count your blessings.

I have been going through some different emotions lately and I’m not sure what they are really all about, but I have been kind of down. Mike has been there for me. He is able to joke around and make me laugh and he is able to sit down with me and help me talk some things out. He is truly an awesome husband.

I just had lunch with two of my sisters-in-law the other day and got to thinking, I can’t wait to see what we will be like when we are older. I hope we are those little old ladies that you see walking together in the mall. :) I am really lucky to have those girls in my life.

Once a week I go to my parents after class and stay for a few hours. I think I’m to the age where I can finally appreciate everything my parents have done and I respect them. I love those afternoons where my mom and dad and I can just sit at the kitchen table and catch up on what has been going on. I really couldn’t ask for better parents.



Yesterday I was riding my grandpa's little Honda scooter. I was going around a curve, overly confident in my scooter riding skills. I was going a little to fast to take the curve, so I started to grab the brakes. Like I do regularly, I started squeezing one brake before the other. This was a huge mistake. The brake I used first was the front brake, and it "grabbed" a little quicker than I expected it to. This caused the front wheel to completely stop, lifted up the rear of the scooter, and sent me flying. I skidded a few feet on my knees and the heels of my hands before coming to a stop in the middle of the street. Luckily, I was in Covington and the street wasn't busy. I picked my self up off the pavement, grabbed the scooter, and pushed it to the side of the street to assess the damage. My hands had a few scrapes and I could tell they were going to be sore, the scooter had a few more scratches added to it, but the worst of the damage was my jeans. The skidding across the pavement ripped a hole in one of the knees and stained the other one. The reason I'm calling this the worst of the damage is not because I'm so vain that the condition of my clothes is that important. It's that I knew I was going to have to go tell Kasey what happened. This is where the embarrassment comes into play. I could have brushed my self off, downplayed my wounds and just gone about my business if this little fiasco hadn't ruined my jeans. You see, Kasey is not a fan of the scooter or of me riding it every chance I get. As it turned out she was surprisingly supportive and compassionate regarding the incident. I figured at the very least she would ban me from any scooter riding from here on out. But she just made sure I was ok and told me to remember to wear my helmet.

I wanted to add something about it hurting my pride, being embarrassing, and changing my view about some things. But I can't concentrate because the roofers are making way too much noise. Maybe I'll add something about that stuff later.